Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bed rest

Note: I couldn't get this to post in the hospital when I originally wrote it last week. Then I had a baby and forgot about it :-)

I have been put on bed rest... I am 34 weeks pregnant with #3. At my 33 week check-up the Dr noticed my blood pressure was very high. I was sent down to labor and delivery to be monitored and was told to expect to be here until the baby is born because I have developed Pre-eclampsia. If I was further along they would have already induced, but because I was only 33 weeks they are trying to hold off labor as long as possible to give baby C time to grow. So we wait...

Being on bed rest is a lot like living in the movie "Groundhog Day". Lot's of de ja vu going on. I have been in this hospital room for a week and my routine everyday is pretty much the same. The nice part is it starts with breakfast in bed. I have found the eggs/grits/bacon are really good. The other options not so much...

I had thought I would do a lot of reading while I had all of this peace and quiet, but one of the symptoms I am having is bad headaches which makes reading difficult. I mostly lie around and sleep :-( Boring.

The kids have been up to see me several times. It always brightens my day! Hugs are the best medicine.

I was worried they would be scared of the hospital room, but it has been a big hit. Here is Anne spinning round and round in the chair. Oh, the simple things. Notice Bob getting into the cabinet in the background. It is empty and he has a blast climbing in and out of it (over and over)! He is into everything...

Will sent me this picture of the two of them playing together this morning. They had put on his hats by themselves. So cute! Man do I miss them.

Say a prayer that the doctors will make the right decision on when to take the baby. Ideally I will make it 3 more weeks to 37 weeks (full term). I would at least like to make it to 35 weeks as the chances of a stay in the NICU decrease then. 

A big THANK YOU to our parents who are helping take care of the kids for us. Thank you to my wonderful husband who is taking care of me and the kids and work... And thank you to all the friends who are bringing dinner and helping entertain Anne. I appreciate it! It's nice to feel loved :-)

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