Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cooper Update 5.7.13

I headed to the NICU first thing this morning and was able to give Cooper his bottle and hold him for about 30 minutes. He did great taking his bottle! Unfortunately, yesterday morning he had two feedings in a row where he struggled to finish his bottle, so that earned him the feeding tube down the nose. They don't want to risk him losing any weight. So yesterday afternoon they started alternating one feeding by bottle and then one feeding by feeding tube. He has done great today with the bottle and is already back to receiving it at every feeding, but they have not removed the tube yet just in case it is still needed. They turned off the IV after his feeding this afternoon and I am hopeful that they will remove it from his head during his bath tonight. He is also completely off the bilirubin lights today. Yay for progress!!!

My main prayer request today is that Cooper is able to maintain his oxygen saturation levels. Although he is breathing on his own, he has had at least one episode every day where he quits breathing for a few seconds (long enough for the alarm to go off) and his oxygen level drops below 88. He always starts breathing again on his own, but he has to go an entire week with out this happening before he can go home. This is typical of premie's - the nurse said they just sometimes forget to breathe. I don't want to bring home a baby who is not breathing, but I am ready to get this little guy home!!! The back and forth between the NICU and home is tiring... Thank you for your continued prayers!

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